2017 年 10 月 28 日托福考試獨立寫作范文


2017 年 10 月 28 日托福考試考得怎麼瞭呢 ? 小站教育為大傢帶來瞭權威的考後托福真題回憶 + 解析,大傢都下載查看瞭嗎 ? 今天小編為大傢整理瞭 2017 年 10 月 28 日托福考試托福獨立寫作真題解析范文,大傢一起來看看 2017 年 10 月 28 日托福考試真題的滿分作文吧。


Many filmmakers made movie based on books. When a movie is produced based on books, some people prefer to read books before watching films, other people choose to watch movie first. What do you think?

Sample Answer:

Nowadays, movies adopted from novels become much more popular than before. Thus leads to a hot discussion on the question that which one should we do first: reading the original novel or watching the movie? ( 背景引入 ) Some folks propose that it is better to watch the movie first before we read the original story. ( 他人觀點 ) However, when it comes to me, I prefer to enjoy the book first and then go to the movie. ( 我的觀點 ) My view point is based on the following reasons and examples. ( 過渡句 )

To begin with, the original novel contains large amounts of detailed description and information which the film may have no ability to express as comprehensive as words. ( 分論點一 ) In most cases, the author can spill lots of ink over the description of sceneries and buildings in his fiction. Unfortunately, in the movie, these splendid depiction of the background might be concentrated into one shot and slides away in a moment. ( 展開句 ) For example, in the Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling used several paragraphs to deliver gorgeous pictures of the dining hall in Hogwarts. When I was reading through the chapter in which Harry first went to his magic school, her vivid descriptions of those glass lamps, wood counters and roast chicken on sliver plates cast deep impression on me. Nevertheless, although the movie was also successful, due to the time limit, it was indeed very difficult to give enough shots to fully demonstrate these delicate furniture or ornaments. Without reading the original text, it is almost out of the question that audience will have a specific understanding of the dining hall ’ s charming appearance. ( 具體細節例證 )

Moreover, reading books can help us improve our ability of imagination, while movies can ’ t. ( 分論點二 ) During the process of reading fictions, individuals, especially little kids, can develop their capacity of visualizing the descriptions into mental presentation. Such kind of exercise has profound positive influence on their future cognitive competence. In contrast, watching movies first will damage this visualization process. ( 展開句 ) Researchers once set up an experiment to compare the difference between the impact of pictorial media and words on children ’ s future development. The conclusion was astonishing. Kids owning lower reading frequency performed much worse in the imagination test than those who got plenty of linguistic stimulations. It was uncovered that words and sentences were essential to children ’ s cultivation of imagination. ( 具體細節例證 )

Admittedly, watching movies first also has some significant advantages. ( 讓步,承認對立觀點好處 ) For kids who are too young to read complicated lines, films can serve as assistants when children want to capture the major plots, themes and figures in a masterpiece. ( 展開句 ) Take Jane Eyre as an example. My mother gave this famous book to me when I was only a primary school student. To be honest, I was so young that it was a tough task for me to obtain the contents of this complicated story – it contained too much abstract description of Jane Eyre ’ s internal struggle. I found it hard to comprehend her reflections on self-esteem, love and future. Until I saw the corresponding movie one day, I finally made it clear that this story was about a woman who pursued a life with pride and affection. In addition, this film made it easier for me to finish its ’ original novel. So movies can sometimes be necessary for people to have a better understanding of its ’ initial story. ( 具體細節例證 )

To sum up, it is highly recommended that original fictions should be read before people watching movies adopted from them. ( 重申第一段立場 ) Such reading process can not only offer us ample details which might be ignored by the film-maker, but also help us attain ample language input and cultivate our comprehensive ability. ( 重申第一二分論點 ) Whereas, it is also important for us to recognize that sometimes films can also make it easier for us to get the points from abstract words in a novel, which will help eliminate certain barriers laying in our reading process. ( 重申讓步段分論點 )

以上就是小編為大傢整理瞭小站教育老師滿分 2017 年 10 月 28 日托福獨立寫作解析范文,大傢看看自己寫的進修能不能達到這種程度,試著來練習一下。考過的考生也可以對照一下,約摸自己大傢托福作文可以得多少分。最後,小站教育編輯預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。


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