2017 雅思寫作高分話題語料:全民醫療教育


本期雅思寫作語料有關政府類話題,討論政府的公共福利政策。題目是:Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and education of its citizens, to what extent to you agree or disagree? 有人認為政府應該給公民的教育和醫療買單 , 你是否同意這個觀點 ? 更多雅思寫作大作文話題語料及觀點,請看下文。

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Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and education of its citizens, to what extent to you agree or disagree? 有人認為政府應該給公民的教育和醫療買單 , 你是否同意這個觀點 ?


Some people say that the government should pay for the health care and education of its citizens, but other people say that it is not the government ’ s responsibility. Discuss the two opinions and give your views. 有人認為政府應該給公民的教育和醫療買單,有人認為這不是政府的責任,討論兩種觀點,給出你的意見 ?





1. 公民是納稅人,有享受教育和醫療的權利。政府是人民利益的代表,普及免費的教育和醫療可以換利於民。

2. 教育的發展可以培養更多的高端人才,提高國民的基本素質,增強一個國傢在國際舞臺的競爭力。

3. 政府的醫療上的援助可以使得很多患病的,同時來自貧困傢庭的人得到及時的治療,這有助於提高政府的威信,以及增強民眾的民族自豪感。


1. 政府的財政有限,但是,要解決的民生問題是無窮的, 完全的教育醫療買單會增加政府的經濟壓力。

2. 對比給教育和醫療買單,政府還要解決更重要的民生問題,例如改善環境和加強基礎設施建設,這些更加需要政府經濟援助。


1. free higher education = free college education n 免費的高等教育

2. medical care = medical treatment n 醫療

3. popularize v 普及

4. subsidize = sponsor = finance v 提供經濟援助

5. provide sb with financial aid v 給某人提供經濟援助

6. to do sth is highly recommended 做…… 是被高度推薦的

7. it t is the unshakable obligation of the government to do sth 做…… 是政府不可推卸的責任

8. enjoy the basic right of 享受……的基本權利

9. properly allocate the educational and medical budget 合理地分配教育和醫療預算

10. Advanced education is the key factor in promoting the basic quality of a nation ’ s population 先進的教育是提高國民的基本素質的關鍵因素。

11. Free medical care provided by the government should be deemed as a returned favor. 政府提供的免費醫療是還利於民的一種方式。

12. …… enable those top students coming from humble background or remote rural areas to receive fine education v …… 使得來自貧寒傢庭背景或者偏遠山區的優秀學生有機會接受精英教育

13. help those ambitious but underprivileged young people to change their fates v 幫助那些有夢想但是貧困的年輕人改變人生命運

14. Every individual could become the beneficiary of a good education 任何人都可以成為良好教育的受益者。

15. inject new life into the further development and mightiness of a nation v 給國傢的進一步發展和強大註入新鮮活力

16. Education is the price force of the productivity 教育是生產力發展的驅動力。

17. Free education could cultivate more responsible and law-abiding citizens 免費教育可以培養更多有社會責任感,有守法意識的公民。

18. …… will impose much pressure upon a nation economically v 增加瞭國傢的經濟負擔

19. The government has more pressing social problems that need to render more concerns over 政府還有更多緊迫的民生問題需要優先考慮。

20. to optimize the environment or to strengthen the construction of infrastructure v 去改善環境或者加強基礎設施建設。



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