雅思口語話題 Part3 范文 :a time when you taught somebody to do something


本期為 9-12 月雅思口語 Part3 參考范文:Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do something,各路烤鴨速速來收藏,與口語的新題舊恨,請在小站處一筆斬斷。更多 9-12 月雅思口語題庫高頻話題 Part3 小編正瘋狂整理中,盡情期待。此范文僅作參考,唯一的王道在於勤加練習,攢足瞭勇氣值,攢足瞭訓練量,口語必高分。加油。

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參考范文:Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do something

1. What can young people teach old people? 年輕人能教給老年人什麼 ?

Well, how to use and make most of new technology, first of all. I mean using a computer or a smartphone, which can be a problem for the old without somebody's help. What is more, I think the young can teach the elderly to try new things, have fun and enjoy the moment as this is what they do themselves all the time. I would also add to the list of lessons such things as being diverse, noticing and enjoying the little things, laughing every day and. of course, fulfilling dreams as all this can make twilight years pleasant and enjoyable.

2. Do you think anything can be learnt by studying hard? 你認為通過努力學習能學到什麼嗎 ?

Well, I would say more likely yes than no because our intelligence is not fixed but trained as all other muscles we have, and the more we struggle, the better results we get. On the other hand though, there are specific subjects that require innate skills or talent. The good news is that there are not many subjects like this. So, yeah, studying hard can help us master almost any skills, to my mind.

3. What kind of people are good at teaching? 什麼樣的人擅長教學 ?

Well, I guess, first of all, knowledgeable and competent as it's really important for a good teacher to be able to answer all students' questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the subject. I also think people good at teaching are imaginative and innovative, I mean able to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the subject and take lively participation in the class. What else? Oh, they are interactive, for sure, doing their best to develop students' creative self-expression communicative skills, and, of course motivating to spark students to use their knowledge whenever possible.


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