托福獨立寫作真題:學生是否需要起早去上學 范文分享


托福考試有一個大傢都知道的規律,就是不斷重復考題,例如 2017 年 9 月 24 日考試當中的每一套題目都是在歷年來新托福考試當中都出現過的,那麼大傢備考時就需要復習這些真題很有必要。今天小編這就在這裡為大傢整理瞭 2016 年所有托福獨立寫作真題,並附有范文,希望對大傢的托福寫作備考有幫助。

2016 年全年托福獨立寫作范文匯總:http://toefl.zhan.com/tfziliao62883.html

托福寫作題目為:Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer。下面大傢一起來看看托福寫作真題的分析及范文。

2016 年托福寫作真題題目:

2016 年 1 月 9 日托福獨立寫作范文

Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer.


托福寫作范文參考一 :

Many schools are planning to postpone the first class in the morning for less lateness and better educating quality. However, the schedule of late classes will cultivate students ’ indolence, and pose many other negative effects. As a result, starting class late would not effectively reduce the rate of lateness and cannot secure the educating efficacy.

Firstly, early classes in the morning will force the students to keep a disciplined life style. In order to attend the first class, students have to get up early in the morning. This habit brings many benefits. For example, young people will live a much healthier life. Keeping the schedule in mind, they would no longer dally at night before sleep, and save their time in the morning. Then, they can have a good rest in the evening and keep themselves energetic at daytime. Besides, they could also shape many of their excellent characteristics, like self-discipline or persistence. Leaving the cozy bed requires a powerful willpower when we start a new day, and doing this every day asks for a strong self-control. Both of these virtues are keys to success. And one of the well-known, Kobe Bryant, is a beneficiary of starting his day early in the morning. He once gave his secret to become the MVP in the basketball playground. It was his getting up early in the 4 AM that contributes him. In conclusion, both physical and psychological benefits can be gained by the disciplined life style led by the early classes.

In addition, early start in the morning also leaves more extracurricular time for students. Earlier starting class generally results in earlier off-class. More spare time after class enables students to conduct other activities, such as further exploring in study, deepening their interests or doing some other activities. Those activities would help students to improve themselves. In spare time, students can do some practical experiments to apply knowledge into practice, which allow them to have in-depth understanding in knowledge learnt in class. Students would be also capable of learning instrument, painting or doing sports with abundant of time after class. Those extracurricular activities help students to achieve complete development. Obviously, earlier start in the morning means a longer day, providing more spare time for students to enrich their life and promote themselves in learning.

Late classes, to a degree, may lower the absence rate at the beginning. This is because that students do not need to be hurry in the morning, especially for those who cannot get up early. In the long run, however, the original purpose cannot be realized effectively. The allowance of starting class later would indulge the bad habits of procrastination. Some students will tend to put off all tasks late at night, if they do not need to get up early. Staying up later would in turn make students get up later. This is a vicious circle. As a result, students ’ biological clock will be re-adjusted, making it harder for them to get up on time. Therefore, the absence rate would be decreased again.

In summary, compared to making classes late in the morning, starting the day early would bring many benefits in learning. Students would be able to maintain a healthy life physically and mentally, and to explore in study, all of which contribute to a higher quality of learning.

托福寫作范文參考二 :

In the contemporary society, the length of study time on the part of students has become one of the most hottly debated issue among the general public. When it comes to whether students should be required to arrive school at the early time in the morning, people ’ s notions may vary from one to another. In my eyes, starting school day at a late time is a better choice for the following reasons.

To begin with, arriving school at the late time will ensure students have a good rest and thus contributes to the improvement of their study efficiency. As is common sense, the increasingly heavy study burden on the shoulder of students has squeezed their leisure time so much that their sleeping time cannot be guaranteed. As a result, with the implementation of starting school day in a late time, the quality of their rest will be improved, with the consequence that their attention will be more concentrated in class. On the contrary, shortening their rest time by requesting students begin class early will definitely produce a negative effect on their study. To be specific, it will be common to observe that students feel so sleepy as to have a short nap during the class.

In addition, students who start school day in a late time will obviously avoid being stuck in traffic jam and thus have a better mood in the morning. Undoubtedly, under the drive of a cheerful frame of mind, children will raise their efficiency of study to a large extent. The experience of my cousin, Tom, can serve as a good example to shed some lights on the above reasoning. Tom, a student in a middle school of Beijing, used to be required to arrive school at 8 a.m. every morning in order to prepare better for the National Examination of College Admission. However, the problem is that according to the regulations of most companies, employees also have to start work at 8 a.m. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the subways, buses and taxis are crowded with people in the morning. According to Tom ’ s recounting, no one will feel good after such a experience, let alone immediately devoting him/herself to study.

Taking what has been discussed into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that it is wise to require student to arrive school at a late time in the morining, in order to ensure the quality of their rest and develop a light heart.

托福寫作范文參考三 :

Have you experienced struggling with your pillow every morning? Have you ever choked with the traffic jams in the rush hour? Have you ever felt sleepy in the first class? No matter what scientific evidence shows us the advantages of having class early, there is a new research from Mark Fischettiof Scientific America convince us that students' efficiency can be improved by going to school later. I totally agree with the statement for it ’ s beneficial for both of students and teachers.

First, students' efficiency can be elevated. Under the excessive burden, students always stay up late and that ’ s why their sleep time has been shrunk. If they are forced to get up early, their whole day will be windy. Thus, students would waste the most substantial content of study, nevertheless, students would be more fresh and have concentrations on the class. According to Kyla Wahlstrom, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota. She made a research in Minnesota February that tracked 9000 students in eight public high schools in Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming. After one semester, when school began at 8:35 a.m. or later, grades earned in math, English, science and social studies typically rose a quarter step — for example, up halfway from B to B+. This conclusion perfectly convinces everyone that students should get up later.

Second, we should follow students' biological system. Adolescents' physiology has greatly altered from their childhood because of melatonin. The later the delay, the greater the payoff.Following their biological change can make them healthy and wealthy. Take me as an example, as a teacher, most of my students would like to finish their homework and chat with friend until the mid night. They can't control their biological clock, which makes they fell very sleepy in the first class. Moreover the rate of being on duty is lower compared with other time periods.

Third, traffic problems can be released. One should know that big cities have the traffic jams all the time, which makes students choked with the road and can ’ t get rid of it. Moreover, students who live far away from the school are hurry to get catch up with the early classes. If schools postpone their time to be later, it will help them stagger the rush time of traffic. Nevertheless, students would start their study restlessly, which influences their mood not mention to the study efficiency. A study in 2012 from California public schools shows that students can avoid transportation problems by changing their class time. What ’ more, their literature and math scores are higher on the average.

To conclude, getting up early and attend class are good for both of students and teachers. I suggest that school should postpone their class time and improve students ’ efficiency.


( Mark Fischetti/ 文,IvyP/ 譯 ) 我們都有過早上起來與被窩作鬥爭,最後不得不睡眼惺忪地去上學的經歷。這種現象可不是中國特有的——大洋對岸的美國傢長、學生還有老師們也時常爭論,中學的上課時間是不是太早瞭。而在過去的 3 年間有越來越多的研究表明,推遲上課時間有助提高學習的效果,並且上課時間越晚越好。

生物學研究顯示,人在幼童時期傾向於早睡早起 ; 而當人步入青少年時期後,晝夜節律會發生改變,導致青少年睡得更晚,起得也更晚。這種改變是由大腦內褪黑素的變化引起的,這一過程大約開始於 13 歲,在 15 到 16 歲明顯增強,而在 17 到 19 歲時達到高峰。

那麼這個現象會對學習效果產生影響嗎 ? 根據明尼蘇達大學應用研究與教育改進中心主任凱拉 · 瓦爾斯特隆今年 2 月發表的論文,答案是肯定的。她跟蹤調查瞭在明尼蘇達州、科羅拉多州和懷俄明州的 8 所公立中學裡就讀的 9000 多名學生。結果發現,如果上課時間調整到早上 8:35 或者更晚,一個學期之後,學生們的數學、英語、科學和社會學成績普遍提高瞭 1/4 個等級,例如從 B 提高到瞭 B 與 B+ 的中間位置。

另有兩篇由瓦爾斯特隆評議但還未發表的研究論文也獲得瞭相似的結論。在美國空軍學院進行的一項對照實驗也驗證瞭這一結論,因為在大學一年級時不同組的學員開始上課的時間不同。此外,2012 年一項研究顯示,由於交通問題導致北卡羅來納州不同地區的學校上課時間不同,結果上課時間較晚的學校,學生的數學和閱讀成績較高。還有其它研究表明,推遲上課時間可以提高出勤率,以及減少青少年抑鬱和交通事故的發生率。這些都因為晚點上課可以讓青少年獲得更充足的睡眠。

多項研究表明,與把上課時間從早上 7:15 調到 7:45 的學校相比,上課時間從 7:30 改為 8:00 的學校裡的學生的學習成績有更大幅度的提高。來自巴西、意大利和以色列的研究也獲得瞭相似的結論。之所以上課時間推遲會獲得這些好處,其關鍵是青少年保證瞭至少 8 個小時的充足睡眠,而如果能達到 9 小時就更好瞭。相比之下,在歐洲,很少有中學會在上午 9 點以前開始上課。


以上就是 2016 年的托福獨立寫作題目及范文,希望大傢在備考時參考這些范文,自己也可以試試寫一寫,發現自己的托福寫作低分的原因,也可以通過發佈在小站論壇作文批改專區 ( 點擊進入 ) ,讓專業托福寫作老師為你指導。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試能取得理想的成績。



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