2017 最新雅思口語題庫話題 P3 范文:rule at your school that you agree or disagree


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示例范文:Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

1. Do you think it's necessary to set up rules about overwork? 你認為關於過度工作有必要建立一個規則嗎 ?

Oh yeah, definitely yes......because obsessive overwork has major consequences both for employees and companies they work for. Uncontrolled overwork impairs the emotional and psychological competencies of workforce leading to an increase In cut corners and bent rules and, as a result, damaging productivity. So, setting up rules about overwork is really important for avoiding company-wide burnout and achieving targeted results.

2. Why do we have rules in society? 我們為什麼要建立社會規則 ?

Well, to allow everyone to live in a safe and pleasant environment, I guess. Rules are essential as they prevent chaos, encourage uniformity and maintain order and status. What is more, they let people feel more secure as they regulate unwanted and harmful behaviour and also encourage wanted or beneficial behaviour of individual society members. To sum up, we have rules to make things more fair and life safer.

3. What are some examples of rules that exist in many families? 有哪些傢規是許多傢庭普遍存在的?

Oh, that's a tough question. I guess the most widespread family rules include telling the truth to each other even when it's not pleasant, looking for ways to be kind and helpful to each other, respecting each other's property and not going to bed on an argument. I also think each family has a set of rules about what they think should be done at home, for example, taking their shoes off in the house, always locking the door when they leave, putting plates in the dishwasher after eating and turning the lights when they are not using room. These are the most common rules that exist in families I know.

4. Do you think the students themselves should have a say in what school rules to have? 你認為學生擁有制定校規的發言權嗎?

Oh, I am more than sure they should as having a say on school rules will make children feel more valued and, as a result, increase the bond between them and the school. What is more, I think it will make students more willing to accept changes, which will, no doubt, have a positive impact on their learning and behaviour. Though, in some cases it can undermine the power of adults and fuel bad behaviour among children, so necessary to be careful while engaging kids in making rules and changes to them but still, it's worth trying as advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

5. What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country? 在你國傢,有哪些校規和公司規定?

Well, there are quite a lot of them, actually, and they usually differ from school to school and from company to company. The most common school rules that exist in my country are connected with getting to school on time, being respectful to school property, teachers and other students, and keeping the school environment and the local community free from litter. As far as workplace rules are concerned, they are mostly about being punctual. trustworthy, flexible and open-minded keeping the desk organized instead spreading out into space that isn't keeping the noise level to a minimum especially in open-plan offices, and being considerate with files and equipment you share.


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