托福寫作語料庫 關於人是否可以永遠對於朋友誠實


在托福寫作部分中,出現關於人是否可以永遠對於朋友誠實的題目,需要同學們表明個人立場並且大量舉例,並今日小站小編將為同學們整理關於這個問題的托福寫作語料庫。真題如下 :

It is impossible to be completely honest with your friend all the time. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 一個人不可能永遠對於朋友誠實 ( 2011 年 12 月 17 日托福考題 )

托福寫作立場 我認為人不能永遠對於朋友誠實,盡管誠實是維持友誼的重要因素。


1. People may differ greatly in their standards as to what is the most significant quality of a true friend. 真正的好朋友的品質是什麼,人們的標準也許因人而異。

2. A trustworthy friend is valued among a large proportion of people. 一個值得信賴的朋友是很多人珍視的。

解析:trustworthy adj 值得信賴的

3. It is impossible to be entirely honest with our friends. 對朋友完全誠實是不可能的。

4. We may,sometimes,make a white lie to our friends out of the reason of benevolence. 處於善意,有時候,我們也許會對朋友說一些善意的謊言。

解析:bene ( 好 ) + vol ( 心靈 ) +ence ( 名詞尾綴 ) = benevolence n 善意

解析:white lie n 善意的謊言

5. One hundred percent honesty amongst friends is, sometimes, hard to maintain. 有時候,朋友之間百分百的誠實是很難做到的。

6. Indeed,I have to concede that = granted,I have to confess that ……,的確, 我不得不承認……

7. Sometimes we might lie to our friends out of the purpose of protection,comfort and encouragement. 有時候,我們可能出於保護,安慰和鼓勵的目的,對朋友說謊。

8. a case in point is that ……一個例子就是……

9. From our life experience, it is easy to find out plenty of evidences to justify that …… 從我們的生活中,很容易找到很多的例子來證實……

10. If a friend falls into incurable illness,his friends of relatives, in most cases, will conceal the truth and comfort him that the chance of recovery is good. 如果一個朋友得瞭難以治愈的疾病,其親人或者好友多數情況下會隱瞞病情,安慰朋友說康復的機會是非常好的。

11. Virtually,this white lie could instill new hope and confidence into the patient ’ s heart. 實際上,善意的謊言給患者的心中註入瞭希望和自信。

12. Although a white lie is unblamable, sincere friendship and harmonious relationship should be based on mutual trust. 盡管善意的謊言是無可指責的,但是,真誠的友誼以及和諧的關系應該基於彼此的信賴。

解析:unblamable adj 無可指責的

13. Well-intentioned lie is acceptable and understandable. 善意的謊言是可以被接受的和理解的。

14. After all,honesty is the best policy. 畢竟,證實為上策。

15. Frankly speaking out our inner thoughts could earn trust, respect and friendship. 說出我們的真實的想法可以贏得信賴,尊敬,友誼。

16. with a view to satisfying one ’ s sense of vanity or making personal profits 出於滿足虛榮心和個人盈利的目的

解析:with a view to doing sth 出於……的目的

點評:to 為介詞,+ doing sth

解析:sense of vanity n 虛榮心

17. A disingenuous lie will ruin one ’ s reputation and make one lose his or her close friends. 一個虛偽的謊言會損害一個人的名譽,使人失去失去朋友。

解析:close friend n 親密的朋友

拓展:intimate friend n 親密的朋友

拓展:bosom friend n 知己

18. Sincerity is the most precious quality in many people ’ s heart of hearts. 在很多人的心靈深處,真誠是最重要的品質。

19. In closing, I would like to re-affirm my conviction that ……總之,我想重申我的立場 ……

20. Although honesty helps us win lifelong friendships and make us have no misgivings, it is extremely hard for us to be honest with our friends all the time. 盡管證實幫助我們贏得終生的友誼以及遠離不安,但是,對於朋友永遠誠實是很難做到的。

解析:be honest with sb v 對於……是誠實的

以上便是小編為同學們整理出的托福寫作語料庫關於人是否可以永遠對於朋友誠實的話題,希望能夠幫助到同學們 !


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