托福寫作考試作為托福寫作考試的最後一薦,很多考生這時可能都比較疲憊瞭,但是如果調整好自己的心態才能讓自己在托福寫作當中有良好的發揮呢 ? 這就要求考生在考前做好充足的準備瞭。今天小編就為大傢帶來瞭托福寫作考試考前沖刺 6 天復習計劃,希望可以幫助到大傢。
托福寫作考前 6 天沖刺高分計劃匯總:http://toefl.zhan.com/jihua63482.html
但寫作中,很多學生還會犯一個錯誤,那就是僅僅在句子開頭加上一個過渡詞。通常這個過渡詞非常簡單,不是描述類詞語。還有就是在每段前加上表示順序的詞語,如 "first," "second," "finally," etc …。這些詞語放在段首,使文章看起來像是順序的羅列,而不是一篇文章不可分割的一部分。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment — doing things they like to do — rather than doing things they should do.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
THE ANSWER ( sample introductory paragraph, with transition words underlined )
With modern electronic entertainment always at out fingertips, there is no doubt that the modern world offers many chances for leisure. Because of this, there are some concerns that people in this day and age are too interested in personal enjoyment and are not productive enough. I disagree with this concern for two reasons. First, modern technology allows us to do things more quickly, which allows us to do our jobs more efficiently. Second, the modern way of life hasn ’ t changed the amount of time we spend working or having fun.
開頭作者就主題給出瞭非常有趣的陳述,介紹瞭有關主題的具體內容,闡釋瞭自己的觀點。但後兩句與文章的銜接並不好。前一句並沒有提到 work and jobs,但過渡詞後突然就提到瞭有關 work and jobs 的內容。
對比一下後兩句就會發現這兩句有點自相矛盾,第一個過渡詞 first 後闡述瞭因為科技,工作發生瞭變化,但 second 後的句子意思是在當代工作並沒有發生什麼變化。
With modern electronic entertainment always at out fingertips, there is no doubt that the modern world offers many chances for leisure. Because of this, there are some concerns that people in this day and age are too interested in personal enjoyment and are not productive enough. I disagree with this concern for two reasons. Where productivity is concerned, modern technology allows us to do things more quickly, which really allows us to be more productive, not less productive, at our jobs. Additionally, when it comes to leisure, the modern way of life may make us more productive, but it hasn ’ t actually changed the amount of time we spend working or having fun. ( 過渡詞用粗體標出 )
修改過後的這段話是不是比原來的更流暢,更有邏輯性瞭呢 ?
以上就是小編為大傢整理瞭的托福寫作考前沖刺 6 天讓你的托福寫作得滿分,大傢看瞭這些方法之後,可以選擇適合自己的內容進行考前沖刺,也可以從中找到規律並總結出自己的考前沖刺計劃,希望這些對大傢的托福寫作提分有幫助。最後,小編預祝大傢托福考試都能取得理想的成績。
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