GMAT 作文老是因為用不好詞匯被扣分?實例講解寫作詞匯正確用法


GMAT 寫作部分是最能體現考生綜合運用英語語言能力的考試項目,而考生在文章中準確的用詞、多樣化的句式結構以及自洽的邏輯架構都會使整篇文章熠熠生輝,極富感染力。而其中,詞匯的使用技巧就是構成一篇高分作文的重要環節。如何合理使用詞匯寫出優異的 GMAT 作文,下面小編將通過一些實例分析為大傢做介紹。

GMAT 寫作用詞的選擇

寫作中用詞不準確是很容易犯的毛病,good,terrible,see,nice,kind,greatly,think,know,something 等詞匯在考生作文中反復出現。這些詞本身並沒有問題,是英語常用詞,但是它們表達的意思過於模糊,很多情況下,應該使用意義更加準確的詞。況且,總是使用這幾個詞會給人以表達形式單調,詞匯量貧乏,文章缺乏感染力的印象。下面的一些例子,通過換用一、兩個準確生動的詞語或是運用一些固定搭配及習語就使整個句子增色不少。

詞匯使用實例 1

Original: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and help you to understand other people ’ s feelings and learn to be kind。

Revised: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people ’ s feelings and learn to be considerate。


add,kind 表達的含義都比較寬泛。add 可以指數量上的增加,也可以指程度的加強,對於 " 豐富經驗、增加知識 " 這個意思,用 enrich 會使表達更準確。kind 從字面意義上講是 " 好的、善良的 ",用 kind 來形容人無法具體地表現出一個人的性格特征到底怎樣,原句中是想表達 " 考慮周到、體貼入微 " 的特點,要準確表達這個含義應選擇 considerate。

詞匯使用實例 2

Original: Science and technology have greatly influenced our lives and our society is changing very rapidly。

Revised: Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented。

greatly,rapidly 屬於常用詞,表示程度高、速度快,這樣的詞在表達效果上不夠具體,缺乏說服力,在修改後的句子中用瞭 pervade every aspect of our lives 就具體生動地表現出科技的影響力到底有多大,其影響力已滲透到我們生活的方方面面,at a speed which is quite unprecedented 意為 " 以一種前所未有的速度 ",形象地道出瞭變化速度之快。

詞匯使用實例 3

Original: Young people tend to think that real life is as nice and interesting as it is in the novels and movies, while more experienced adults think this kind of naive daydream will only be destroyed by later experiences and every one should learn to get used to common everyday life。

Revised: Young people tend to think that real life is as dramatic and fascinating as it is in the novels and movies, while more experienced adults think this kind of naive daydream will only be destroyed by later experiences and every one should learn to get used to tedious everyday life。

nice,interesting,common 都屬於普通詞匯,用到句子中也顯得平淡蒼白。nice 的意思是 " 好的,令人愉快的 ",interesting 是 " 有趣的 ",這兩個詞都不能準確地描繪出年輕人所憧憬的美好生活,句中想表達的是年輕人認為生活如同小說、電影一般充滿戲劇變化,激動人心,要體現這層含義應該用 dramatic,fascinating。dramatic 表示 " 刺激的,戲劇性的,給人深刻印象的 ",fascinating 表示 " 具有強烈吸引力的,迷人的,使人神魂顛倒的 ",這兩個詞的程度要比 nice,interesting 深得多,表現力也更強。原句用 common 表達實際的現實生活的枯燥無味是不準確的,common 的意思是 " 普通的,平常的 ",普通平常的東西不一定是枯燥的,tedious 是表示 " ( 因過長、過慢或單調 ) 令人厭倦的,煩人的 ",恰好傳達出現實生活由於瑣碎和重復而變得索然無味這種含義。

詞匯使用實例 4

Original: We all know that most factories would be of no use if there were not clean water supply。

Revised: It goes without saying that most factories would be of no use if there were not clean water supply。

同上例一樣,know 這樣的初級詞匯應避免在作文中使用,It goes without saying that …是一個固定結構,意思是 " ……是不言而喻的 ",常在作文中用來引經據典或表明一個盡人皆知的道理,類似的表達還有:

An old saying goes that …

Proverb goes that …

It is universally acknowledged that …

It is generally accepted that …

詞匯使用實例 5

Original: The use of drugs has increased greatly in the last ten years。

Revised: The use of drugs has increased significantly in the last ten years。

greatly 是一般用語,表示程度高," 很,非常 ",使用相當普遍而沒有新意,在寫作中應盡量避免使用這些通俗而又陳舊的詞匯,應換用一些更加正式,更有說服力的詞語,例如 significantly 表示達到瞭非常重要的或可觀的程度," 重大的,可觀的 ",能夠具體說明藥品使用方面,增長幅度巨大。significantly 還可以替換成 considerably,tremendously 等,同樣具有不錯的表達效果。

以上就是關於 GMAT 寫作中詞匯使用技巧的一些講解和實例分析。考生在 GMAT 寫作中,應該重視詞匯的使用技巧,從多個方面展現自己豐富的詞匯量,通過使用一些漂亮的詞匯為自己的作文增光添彩。


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