


剛剛,中國商務部組織的貿易促進團和印度達成 23.68 億美元的大單,簽署瞭 101 項貿易協議!

兩個超過 10 億人口規模的發展中大國今天簽署瞭哪些經貿福利?哪些行業將收到貿易 " 紅包 "?商務微新聞為你第一時間送上中英雙語新聞,一起來看 !

3 月 23-27 日,商務部組織中國貿易促進團赴印度開展經貿交流活動。貿易促進團由來自輕紡、醫藥、農產品、石化、商貿等行業的 30 餘名企業代表組成。

From March 23rd to 27th, China ’ s Ministry of Commerce organized a trade promotion group for economic and trading communication in India. The group is composed of more than 30 company representatives, who are from textile industry, pharmaceutical, agricultural products, petrochemical industry, commercial trading and other fields.

3 月 24 日下午,中國商務部和印度商工部在新德裡聯合舉辦中國國際進口博覽會專場推介和 " 中國 - 印度貿易項目簽約儀式 "。雙方相關政府部門、行業協會、企業代表 100 餘人參加活動。

In the afternoon of March 24th, China ’ s Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India jointly organized the Promotion of China International Import Expo and the "Signing Ceremony of India-China Trade Cooperation Projects" in New Delhi. More than 100 people of relevant government bureaus, industry associations and enterprise representatives participated in the event.

對接會上,雙方企業共簽署瞭 101 項貿易協議,合同金額達 23.68 億美元,涉及紅茶、蓖麻油、薄荷油、椰殼纖維、咖啡生豆等。

During the signing ceremony, 101 trade agreements were signed, which amounted to nearly 2.368 billion USD. The purchase involves black tea, castor oil, peppermint oil, coco fiber, green coffee bean and other products.


The rapid development of China is also an opportunity for the world. The economic and trade relations between China and India have maintained a rapidly developing momentum in recent years. The pragmatic economic and trade cooperation between China and India has yielded remarkable fruits. China will continue to expand its open market.

中國願意與包括印度在內的世界各國一道,秉承和平合作開放包容、互學互鑒、互利共贏的絲路精神,共同促進雙方基礎設施領域的合作和繁榮發展 , 並歡迎印度企業積極參加首屆中國國際進口博覽會。

China is ready to join hands with the world, including India, in upholding the Silk Road Principle of inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. We will jointly promote cooperation and prosperity in infrastructure development between China and India. China welcomes Indian enterprises join China International Import Expo.

誠意滿滿的 " 大手筆 "

近 24 億美元的大單,隻是中印加強經貿合作的序曲:中國商務部部長鐘山和印度商工部長普拉佈將在新德裡共同主持召開中印經貿聯合小組第 11 次會議,就落實兩國領導人在經貿領域達成的共識等議題及進一步推進雙邊經貿合作發展開展深入交流。

2017 年,中印雙邊貿易額達到 844 億美元,創歷史新高。中國已成為印度最大的貿易夥伴,印度也是中國在南亞最大的貿易夥伴。

近年來,中國一直在努力采取多項措施,擴大自印進口,緩解中印貿易不平衡狀況。商務部這次組織中國企業訪問印度,就是為瞭促進雙邊貿易的平衡發展。中國商務部外貿司司長任鴻斌在致辭中指出,次雙方簽約金額為 23.68 億美元,是 2017 年中國自印度進口金額的 14.5 %。二十餘傢中企涉及農業、輕工、紡織、醫藥、化工、礦產等多個領域,均為中國行業重點企業,專程赴印度進行貿易對接。


活動期間,中國商務部和印度商工部還聯合舉辦瞭中國國際進口博覽會專場推介,邀請印度企業參加今年 11 月在上海舉辦的首屆中國國際進口博覽會。這個進口為主題的博覽會,是中國在全世界范圍內首創的開放舉措。

" 這個博覽會不是中國的獨唱,而是各個國傢的大合唱。"


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